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phpHow to change color of CLI text

Please note, this is only usable at the command line. Foreground colours have alternate codes; they are made by using 1; rather than 0;, and change the tone or heaviness of the base 0 colour, depending on the terminal used.

Colour Foreground Code Background Code
Black 0;30 40
Dark Grey 1;30 n/a
Red 0;31 41
Light Red 1;31 n/a
Green 0;32 42
Light Green 1;32 n/a
Brown 0;33 n/a
Yellow 1;33 43
Blue 0;34 44
Light Blue 1;34 n/a
Magenta 0;35 45
Light Magenta 1;35 n/a
Cyan 0;36 46
Light Cyan 1;36 n/a
Light Grey 0;37 47
White 1;37 n/a