9951 explained code solutions for 126 technologies

phpGet Command Line Arguments Pre-Runtime

$input = getopt('fo:r::', ['flag', 'optional:', 'required::']);
if (array_key_exists('f', $input) || array_key_exists('flag', $input)) {
    echo "Flag found.\n";
if (array_key_exists('required', $input) && !empty($input['required'])) {
    echo "Required: " . $input['required'] . "\n";
}ctrl + c
$input = getopt

assign the options to the variable $input


short option for a simple flag called f and an optional parameter called o (defined by :)


short option for a required parameter called r (defined by ::)


long option for the f flag


long option for o, also with optional parameter


long option for r, also with required parameter

array_key_exists('f', $input)

evaluate if the short option for flag f exists

array_key_exists('flag', $input)

evaluate if the long option for flag f exists

array_key_exists('required', $input)

evaluate if the long option for r exists

&& !empty($input['required'])

evaluate if the long option for r is also not empty

echo "Required: " . $input['required'] . "\n";

output the text given in the required parameter