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postgresqlHow can I use PostgreSQL with GitHub?

PostgreSQL can be used with GitHub in a few different ways.

The first is by creating a GitHub repository and committing a PostgreSQL database to it. This can be done using the following code block:

git init
git add mydatabase.sql
git commit -m "My first commit"

The second way is by using GitHub Actions to run PostgreSQL commands. This can be done by creating a workflow file in the .github/workflows/ directory in the repository and adding the following code block:

on: [push]
name: Run PostgreSQL commands
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Run PostgreSQL command
        run: psql -U postgres -c 'SELECT * FROM mytable;'

The third way is by using the PostgreSQL GitHub Action, which can be used to perform PostgreSQL operations from within a workflow. The following code block shows an example of how to use it:

on: [push]
name: Run PostgreSQL commands
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Run PostgreSQL command
        uses: postgres/action@v1
          host: localhost
          user: postgres
          password: mypassword
          query: SELECT * FROM mytable;

The above code will run the SELECT * FROM mytable; query on the PostgreSQL database.

In summary, PostgreSQL can be used with GitHub by committing a PostgreSQL database to a repository, using GitHub Actions to run PostgreSQL commands, and using the PostgreSQL GitHub Action.

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