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postgresqlHow do I create a temporary table in PostgreSQL?

Creating a temporary table in PostgreSQL is a simple process. Here is an example of how to do it:

-- Create a temporary table
  name VARCHAR(50)

-- Insert some data
INSERT INTO items (id, name)
VALUES (1, 'Apple'), (2, 'Banana'), (3, 'Orange');

-- Select the data
SELECT * FROM items;

-- Output
id  |  name
 1  |  Apple
 2  |  Banana
 3  |  Orange

The code above creates a temporary table called items with two columns, id and name. Then it inserts a few rows of data into the table. Finally, it selects the data from the table and prints the output.

The key parts of the code are:

  • CREATE TEMP TABLE - creates a temporary table
  • INSERT INTO - inserts data into the table
  • SELECT * FROM - selects data from the table

For more information, see the PostgreSQL documentation:

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