postgresqlHow do I deploy a PostgreSQL Helm chart?
First, add the official PostgreSQL chart repository to Helm:
helm repo add bitnami
Then, update the local Helm chart repository:
helm repo update
Next, install the PostgreSQL chart with a release name my-release:
helm install my-release bitnami/postgresql
The Helm chart will generate a set of Kubernetes resources including Deployment, Service, Secret and PersistentVolumeClaim.
It is possible to customize the installation by providing values to the chart. For example, to set the PostgreSQL root user password:
helm install my-release bitnami/postgresql --set postgresqlRootPassword=secretpassword
You can view the release details with:
helm status my-release
For more information, please visit the official documentation.
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- How do I use PostgreSQL ZonedDateTime to store date and time information?
- How can I use PostgreSQL and ZFS snapshots together?
- How can I integrate PostgreSQL with Yii2?
- How can I use PostgreSQL XOR to compare two values?
- How do I use PostgreSQL and ZFS together?
- How do I set the PostgreSQL work_mem parameter?
- How can I extract the year from a PostgreSQL timestamp?
- How do I install and configure PostgreSQL on a Windows machine?
- How can I set a PostgreSQL interval to zero?
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