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postgresqlHow do I set up PostgreSQL hosting?

The following steps can be used to set up PostgreSQL hosting:

  1. Install PostgreSQL on the server. This can be done using a package manager such as apt or yum:
$ sudo apt install postgresql
  1. Configure the PostgreSQL server. This can be done by editing the postgresql.conf file and setting the listen_addresses parameter to *:
listen_addresses = '*'
  1. Create a database user. This can be done using the createuser command:
$ createuser --interactive
  1. Create a database. This can be done using the createdb command:
$ createdb <database_name>
  1. Grant privileges to the database user. This can be done using the grant command:
$ grant all privileges on database <database_name> to <user_name>;
  1. Configure firewall rules to allow incoming connections to the PostgreSQL port (default is 5432).

  2. Test the connection to the PostgreSQL server using a client such as psql.

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