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postgresqlHow do I use an online compiler for PostgreSQL?

Using an online compiler for PostgreSQL is a great way to quickly test out code snippets without needing to install PostgreSQL on a local machine.

The following example code snippet uses the PostgreSQL online compiler to create a table called table1 and insert data into it:

  id serial PRIMARY KEY,
  name VARCHAR (50),

INSERT INTO table1 (name, age)
VALUES ('John', 30);

SELECT * FROM table1;

The output of this code would look like:

 id |  name  | age
  1 | John   |  30
(1 row)

To use an online compiler for PostgreSQL, you need to:

  1. Open an online PostgreSQL compiler such as SQL Fiddle
  2. Enter your PostgreSQL code in the Schema text box
  3. Click Build Schema
  4. Enter any data you want to insert in the Data text box
  5. Click Run SQL

You can also use the online compiler to view the output of queries and view the structure of your tables.

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