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postgresqlHow do I use PostgreSQL window functions?

PostgreSQL window functions are used to perform calculations over a set of rows. They are analogous to aggregate functions, but operate on a subset of the rows in the result set.

Example code

    avg(salary) OVER (ORDER BY id)

Output example

 id |   name   | salary |     avg
  1 | John     |   5000 | 5000.00000000
  2 | Mary     |   6000 | 5250.00000000
  3 | Bob      |   7000 | 5500.00000000
  4 | Sarah    |   8000 | 6500.00000000
  5 | David    |   9000 | 7250.00000000

The code above calculates the average salary for each employee using a window function. The OVER clause specifies the window frame, which is the set of rows over which the calculation will be performed. In this example, the window frame is all rows ordered by the id column.

The avg() function is used to calculate the average salary for each employee. The ORDER BY clause ensures that the window frame is ordered correctly, so that the calculation is performed in the correct order.

For more information about PostgreSQL window functions, see the following links:

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