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postgresqlHow do I use the PostgreSQL XML type?

PostgreSQL XML type is used to store XML data in a PostgreSQL database. It is a special data type that can store XML documents and fragments in a structured way.

To use the PostgreSQL XML type, you must first define a table with the XML type column. For example:

    xml_data XML

This creates a table named myTable with an id column of type SERIAL and a xml_data column of type XML.

Then, you can insert data into the table using the INSERT statement. For example:

INSERT INTO myTable (xml_data)
VALUES ('<some_xml> <data>value1</data> <data>value2</data> </some_xml>');

Once the data is inserted, you can query the table and retrieve the XML data using the SELECT statement. For example:

SELECT xml_data FROM myTable;

This will return the XML data stored in the xml_data column.

You can also use XPath to query the XML data. For example:

SELECT xml_data->'data' FROM myTable;

This will return the value of the data element from the XML data.

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