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predisHow can I delete keys in Redis that match a specific pattern using PHP?

Using the scan and del commands, you can delete keys in Redis that match a specific pattern using PHP.

$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('', 6379);

// Get keys matching pattern
$iterator = NULL;
$keys = $redis->scan($iterator, 'my-key-*');

// Delete keys
foreach ($keys as $key) {

This code will search for all keys that begin with my-key- and delete them.

Code explanation

  1. $redis = new Redis(); - Instantiate a new Redis client
  2. $redis->connect('', 6379); - Connect to the Redis server
  3. $iterator = NULL; - Set the iterator to NULL
  4. $keys = $redis->scan($iterator, 'my-key-*'); - Use the scan command to get all keys that match the pattern my-key-*
  5. foreach ($keys as $key) { - Loop through all of the keys
  6. $redis->del($key); - Use the del command to delete each key
  7. } - End the loop

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