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predisHow can I execute a Redis query using PHP?

To execute a Redis query using PHP, you can use the PHP Redis library. The following example code connects to a Redis server, sets a key-value pair, and retrieves the value:

// connect to Redis server
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('', 6379);

// set a key-value pair
$redis->set('key', 'value');

// get the value
$value = $redis->get('key');
echo $value;
// Output: value

The code above consists of the following parts:

  1. A new instance of the Redis class is created, which is used to connect to the Redis server.
  2. The connect method is used to establish a connection to the Redis server, which is located at and uses port 6379.
  3. The set method is used to set a key-value pair, where key is the key and value is the value.
  4. The get method is used to retrieve the value associated with the key.

For more information on how to use the PHP Redis library, please refer to the documentation.

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