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predisHow can I list keys in Redis using PHP?

The easiest way to list keys in Redis using PHP is by using the SCAN command.

$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('', 6379);
$it = NULL;
$keys = array();
while($arr_keys = $redis->scan($it)) {
    foreach($arr_keys as $str_key) {
        $keys[] = $str_key;


Output example

    [0] => key1
    [1] => key2
    [2] => key3
    [3] => key4
    [4] => key5

The code above will connect to the local Redis server, then loop through the keys using the scan command. The $it variable is used to keep track of the iteration. The $arr_keys variable will hold the keys returned from the scan command and then they are added to the $keys array. Finally, the $keys array is printed using print_r.

Parts of the code:

  • $redis = new Redis();: Creates a new Redis instance.
  • $redis->connect('', 6379);: Connects to the local Redis server.
  • $it = NULL;: Initializes the $it variable.
  • $keys = array();: Initializes the $keys array.
  • while($arr_keys = $redis->scan($it)) {: Loops through the keys using the scan command.
  • foreach($arr_keys as $str_key) {: Loops through the array of keys returned from scan.
  • $keys[] = $str_key;: Adds each key to the $keys array.
  • print_r($keys);: Prints the $keys array.

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