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predisHow do I use the PHP Redis hgetall command?

The hgetall command is used to retrieve all the fields and values from a hash stored at the given key in Redis. It returns an array of elements, where each element is an associative array with two items: the field name and its value.

For example, the following code will retrieve the data stored in the hash with key "user:1":

$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('', 6379);

$data = $redis->hgetall('user:1');

The output of this code would be an array of elements, such as this:

    [name] => John
    [age] => 30
    [city] => New York

This array can then be used to access the individual fields and values, such as $data['name'] to get the name of the user.

Here is a list of the parts in the code:

  1. $redis = new Redis(); - Instantiates a new Redis object.
  2. $redis->connect('', 6379); - Connects to the Redis server.
  3. $data = $redis->hgetall('user:1'); - Retrieves the data stored in the hash with key "user:1".

For more information, please refer to the PHP Redis documentation.

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