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python-aiohttpHow to redirect with Python Aiohttp?

Redirecting with Python Aiohttp is easy and straightforward. To redirect a request, you can use the redirect() method of the aiohttp.web.Response class. The redirect() method takes two arguments: the URL to redirect to and the status code to use for the redirect.

Example code

from aiohttp import web

async def redirect_handler(request):
    return web.Response(status=302, headers={'location': 'http://example.com'})

Output example

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: http://example.com

Code explanation

  • web.Response: This is the class used to create a response object.
  • status=302: This is the status code used for redirects.
  • headers={'location': 'http://example.com'}: This is the header used to specify the URL to redirect to.

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