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python-matplotlibHow to make bar chart with multiple columns

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [1,2,3]
plt.bar(x, [10, 11, 12], label='coolness', width=0.4, align='edge')
plt.bar(x, [90, 85, 88], label='friendness', width=-0.4, align='edge')
plt.xticks(x, ['UA', 'UK', 'USA'])
plt.show()ctrl + c
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

loads Matplotlib module to use plotting capabilities


will plot bar chart

['UA', 'UK', 'USA']

x-axis labels

[10, 11, 12]

y-axis values of a second column of each bar

[90, 85, 88]

y-axis values of a first column of each bar

width=0.4, align='edge'

draw this bar column at 40% width and aligned to the right

width=-0.4, align='edge'

draw this bar column at 40% width and aligned to the left (since width is negative)


render chart in a separate window