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python-mysqlHow can I convert a Python MySQL query into a pandas DataFrame?

To convert a Python MySQL query into a pandas DataFrame, first install the mysql-connector-python library. Then, create a connection to the MySQL database using the connect() method. After that, execute the SQL query using the execute() method. Finally, create a pandas.DataFrame() object and pass the result of the query to the DataFrame() constructor.

Example code

import mysql.connector
import pandas as pd

# create connection
connection = mysql.connector.connect(

# execute query
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM table")

# create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(cursor.fetchall())

Code explanation

  • import mysql.connector: imports the mysql-connector-python library
  • connection = mysql.connector.connect(): creates a connection to the MySQL database
  • cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM table"): executes the SQL query
  • df = pd.DataFrame(cursor.fetchall()): creates a pandas DataFrame object from the query result

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