9951 explained code solutions for 126 technologies

python-mysqlHow can I get the row count of a MySQL table using Python?

You can get the row count of a MySQL table using Python by executing a SQL query with the COUNT() function.

Example code

#import mysql.connector
import mysql.connector

#connect to database
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

#create cursor
mycursor = mydb.cursor()

#create sql query
sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers"

#execute sql query

#fetch result
myresult = mycursor.fetchone()

#print result

Output example


Code explanation

  1. import mysql.connector - imports the mysql.connector module.
  2. mydb = mysql.connector.connect() - connects to the database.
  3. mycursor = mydb.cursor() - creates a cursor to the database.
  4. sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers" - creates a SQL query with the COUNT() function.
  5. mycursor.execute(sql) - executes the SQL query.
  6. myresult = mycursor.fetchone() - fetches the result of the query.
  7. print(myresult) - prints the result.

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