9951 explained code solutions for 126 technologies

python-pandasHow to left join dataframes

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
  'Phone': ['ip5', 'ip6', 'ip8', 'sms', 'xi'],
  'Price': [204, 304, 404, 405, 305]

df_more = pd.DataFrame({
  'Phone': ['ip5', 'ip6'],
  'Color': ['red', 'black']

df = df.join(df_more.set_index('Phone'), on='Phone', how='left')ctrl + c
import pandas as pd

load Pandas module


first data frame


second data frame - the one to join to first


column name to join dataframes by


use left join type (default type), so all values from df will be kept and missing in df_more values will be replaced with None

Usage example

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
  'Phone': ['ip5', 'ip6', 'ip8', 'sms', 'xi'],
  'Price': [204, 304, 404, 405, 305]

df_more = pd.DataFrame({
  'Phone': ['ip5', 'ip6'],
  'Color': ['red', 'black']

df = df.join(df_more.set_index('Phone'), on='Phone', how='left')

  Phone  Price  Color
0   ip5    204    red
1   ip6    304  black
2   ip8    404    NaN
3   sms    405    NaN
4    xi    305    NaN