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python-pillowHow to crop an image in the center

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

im = Image.open('/var/www/examples/heroine.png')
crop = (400, 400)
left = round((im.size[0] - crop[0])/2)
top = round((im.size[1] - crop[1])/2)
im = im.crop((left, top, crop[0]+left, crop[1] + top))

im.show()ctrl + c

import Pillow package modules


open given image with Pillow


path to sample image to open


crops image to a given area


crop[0])/2` - left coordinate of a crop area to position in the horizontal center


crop[1])/2` - top coordinate of a crop area to position in the vertical center


displays resulting image

(400, 400)

cropping area width and height

How to crop an image in the center, python pillow

Usage example

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

im = Image.open('/var/www/examples/heroine.png')
crop = (400, 400)
left = round((im.size[0] - crop[0])/2)
top = round((im.size[1] - crop[1])/2)
im = im.crop((left, top, crop[0]+left, crop[1] + top))
