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python-pillowHow to rotate text

We can't draw rotated text, but we can create separate image and draw text there. Then rotate that separate image and merge it with our original image:

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

im = Image.open('/var/www/examples/heroine.png')
text = "I am hero"

tim = Image.new('RGBA', (500,200), (0,0,0,0))
dr = ImageDraw.Draw(tim)
ft = ImageFont.truetype('/var/www/examples/roboto.ttf', 100)
dr.text((0, 0), text, font=ft, fill=(200, 200, 0))

tim = tim.rotate(30,  expand=1)

im.paste(tim, (0,0), tim)
im.show()ctrl + c

import Pillow package modules


open given image with Pillow

I am hero

text to print


create new PIL image object


we create an image with transparent background


create drawing object


create font object, with font and size we're going to use for text


draws text with given params


rotate given image


rotate by 30 degrees


expand image if rotated image can't fit into initial size


paste image with text on top of loaded image


displays resulting image

How to rotate text, python pillow

Usage example

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

im = Image.open('/var/www/examples/heroine.png')
text = "I am hero"

tim = Image.new('RGBA', (500,200), (0,0,0,0))
dr = ImageDraw.Draw(tim)
ft = ImageFont.truetype('/var/www/examples/roboto.ttf', 100)
dr.text((0, 0), text, font=ft, fill=(200, 200, 0))

tim = tim.rotate(30,  expand=1)

im.paste(tim, (0,0), tim)