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python-scipyHow can I use Python and SciPy to calculate pi?

To calculate pi using Python and SciPy, one can use the scipy.special.ellipk function, which computes the complete elliptic integral of the first kind. This function can be used to calculate pi using the following equation:

pi = 4 * ellipk(m)

where m is the modulus of the elliptic integral.

Example code

from scipy.special import ellipk

m = 1
pi = 4 * ellipk(m)


Output example


Code explanation

  • from scipy.special import ellipk: imports the ellipk function from the scipy.special module
  • m = 1: sets the modulus of the elliptic integral to 1
  • pi = 4 * ellipk(m): calculates pi using the equation pi = 4 * ellipk(m)
  • print(pi): prints the result of the calculation

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