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python-scipyHow can I use Python and SciPy to generate a uniform distribution?

To generate a uniform distribution using Python and SciPy, you can use the scipy.stats.uniform module. This module provides a uniform class that takes two parameters: loc and scale. loc is the lower bound of the distribution, and scale is the difference between the upper and lower bounds.

For example, the following code will generate a uniform distribution between 0 and 10:

import scipy.stats as stats

uniform_dist = stats.uniform(loc=0, scale=10)

You can then generate random numbers from this distribution using the rvs function:

random_numbers = uniform_dist.rvs(size=10)

# [9.89569399 7.01456662 8.98391771 8.91355863 3.97722255 5.07906918
#  7.68154078 6.25356775 0.66108565 5.56420246]

Code explanation

  • scipy.stats.uniform: module containing the uniform class
  • uniform: class used to generate a uniform distribution
  • loc: lower bound of the distribution
  • scale: difference between the upper and lower bounds
  • rvs: function used to generate random numbers from the distribution

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