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python-tensorflowHow can I install a Python TensorFlow wheel?

  1. To install a Python TensorFlow wheel, first you need to download the appropriate wheel file for your platform from the TensorFlow website.
  2. After downloading the wheel file, you can install it using the pip command. For example, if you have downloaded the tensorflow-1.14.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl file:
pip install tensorflow-1.14.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
  1. This will install the TensorFlow wheel in your Python environment. You can check if the installation was successful by running the following command:
python -c "import tensorflow as tf;print(tf.__version__)"

Output example

  1. You can also install the TensorFlow wheel directly from PyPI using the following command:
pip install tensorflow
  1. This will download and install the latest version of TensorFlow from PyPI.
  2. If you need to install a specific version of TensorFlow, you can specify the version number when installing it with pip:
pip install tensorflow==1.14.0
  1. This will install the specified version of TensorFlow.

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