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sphinx-searchHow to use regexp_filter in SphinxSearch?

Regexp_filter is a powerful feature of SphinxSearch that allows you to filter search results using regular expressions.


SELECT * FROM index WHERE MATCH('@title regexp_filter /^[A-Z]/')

Output example

| id   | title      |
|    1 | Apple      |
|    2 | Banana     |
|    3 | Carrot     |

Code explanation

  • SELECT * FROM index: This is the query that will be used to search the index.
  • WHERE MATCH('@title regexp_filter /^[A-Z]/'): This is the regexp_filter clause that will be used to filter the search results. The regular expression used here is /^[A-Z]/, which will match any string that starts with an uppercase letter.
  • Output: This is the output of the query, which shows only the results that match the regular expression.

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