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sphinxsearchHow do I configure SphinxSearch to ignore certain stop words?

In order to configure SphinxSearch to ignore certain stop words, you must first define the stop words in a text file. This text file must be located in the data/ directory of the SphinxSearch installation.

For example, if your stop words are the, a, and an, you can create a text file called stopwords.txt with the following content:


Then, you must add the following line to the SphinxSearch configuration file (sphinx.conf):

stopwords = data/stopwords.txt

Once the configuration is complete, you must restart the SphinxSearch daemon for the changes to take effect.

The following parts are involved in configuring SphinxSearch to ignore certain stop words:

  1. Create a text file containing the stop words to be ignored.
  2. Place the text file in the data/ directory of the SphinxSearch installation.
  3. Add the stopwords directive to the SphinxSearch configuration file.
  4. Restart the SphinxSearch daemon.

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