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twigHow to use Twig with a PHP MVC framework?

Twig is a templating engine for PHP that can be used with a PHP MVC framework. It allows developers to write concise, readable code that is easy to maintain.

$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('templates');
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);

echo $twig->render('index.html', array('name' => 'Fabien'));

This example code will render the index.html template located in the templates directory, and pass the variable name with the value Fabien to the template.

Parts of the code:

  • Twig_Loader_Filesystem('templates'): Loads the templates directory as the Twig template directory.
  • Twig_Environment($loader): Creates a new Twig environment with the given loader.
  • render('index.html', array('name' => 'Fabien')): Renders the index.html template with the given variables.

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