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vue.jsHow can I prevent XSS attacks when using Vue.js?

XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks occur when malicious scripts are injected into a web application. To prevent XSS attacks when using Vue.js, there are a few steps that can be taken.

  1. Use the built-in Vue.js escaping functions. These functions will automatically escape any user-inputted data before it is rendered to the page. For example:
<div>{{ userInput | escapeHtml }}</div>
  1. Use the v-pre directive. This directive will tell Vue.js to not parse any HTML inside the tag. For example:
<div v-pre>{{ userInput }}</div>
  1. Use the v-html directive. This directive will tell Vue.js to parse any HTML inside the tag. However, it is important to only use this on trusted content as it can lead to XSS vulnerabilities. For example:
<div v-html="userInput"></div>
  1. Sanitize user input. This should be done on the server-side, as it is not possible to guarantee that malicious scripts will be prevented on the client-side.

By following these steps, XSS attacks can be prevented when using Vue.js.

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