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vue.jsHow can I use Vue.js mixins to create a reusable component?

Mixins in Vue.js are a great way to create a reusable component. Mixins allow you to extend existing components by adding custom methods and properties to them. This allows you to create a component that can be reused in multiple places without having to rewrite the code.

For example, the following code block creates a mixin that defines a sayHello method:

const SayHelloMixin = {
  methods: {
    sayHello() {

When the sayHello method is called, the output would be:


To use the mixin, we can add it to a component's mixins option:

Vue.component('my-component', {
  mixins: [SayHelloMixin]

The mixin is now available to the component. We can call the sayHello method as if it were part of the component itself:


The output would be:


Mixins are a great way to create reusable components in Vue.js. They are easy to use and can help you save time by not having to rewrite code.

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