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vue.jsHow do I create a logo using Vue.js and SVG?

Creating a logo using Vue.js and SVG is relatively straightforward. To get started, create a new Vue.js project and add an <svg> element to the template. Then, use the <rect> and <text> elements to create the shape and text of the logo. To style the logo, use the fill and stroke attributes to set the color.

Example code

<svg width="200" height="200">
  <rect x="10" y="10" width="180" height="180" fill="red" stroke="black" />
  <text x="90" y="90" font-size="50" text-anchor="middle" fill="black">Vue Logo</text>

This code will output a red rectangle with a black border and a black "Vue Logo" text in the middle.

Code explanation

  • <svg> element: This element defines the SVG document.
  • <rect> element: This element defines a rectangle with the given x, y, width, and height attributes.
  • fill attribute: This attribute sets the fill color of the shape.
  • stroke attribute: This attribute sets the border color of the shape.
  • <text> element: This element defines a text element with the given x, y, font-size, and text-anchor attributes.
  • text-anchor attribute: This attribute sets the alignment of the text.

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