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vue.jsHow do I create a model in Vue.js?

Creating a model in Vue.js is very straightforward. To start, you need to create a new Vue instance and give it a data object. This data object will contain the properties that will become the model. For example:

var app = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    message: 'Hello World'

The above code creates a Vue instance and adds a message property to the model. This property can be accessed from the template using the {{ message }} syntax.

To add more properties to the model, simply add them to the data object. For example:

var app = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    message: 'Hello World',
    count: 0

The count property can be accessed from the template using the {{ count }} syntax.

To update the model, you can use the Vue.set() method. For example:

Vue.set(app.data, 'name', 'John Doe');

This code adds a name property to the model and sets it to John Doe.

You can also use the Vue.delete() method to remove properties from the model. For example:

Vue.delete(app.data, 'name');

This code removes the name property from the model.

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