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vue.jsHow do I use the emit function in Vue.js?

The emit function in Vue.js is used to send custom events from a child component to its parent component. It can be used to pass data from the child component to the parent.

For example, the following code will send an event named child-event from a child component to its parent.

this.$emit('child-event', { data: 'some data' })

In the parent component, the event can be listened for using the v-on directive.

<ChildComponent v-on:child-event="handleChildEvent" />

The handleChildEvent function can then be used to access the data from the event.

methods: {
  handleChildEvent(data) {
    console.log('Received data from child:', data)

Output example

Received data from child: { data: 'some data' }

The emit function can also be used to pass data from the parent component to the child component. The parent component can send an event with $emit and the child component can listen for it with the v-on directive.

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