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vue.jsHow do I use the keyup event in Vue.js?

The keyup event is a useful event in Vue.js that can be used to detect when a key is pressed on the keyboard. To use the keyup event, you can use the v-on directive in your template. Here is an example of how to use the keyup event:

<input type="text" v-on:keyup="handleKeyup">

In the example above, the v-on:keyup directive will trigger the handleKeyup method when a key is pressed in the input. The handleKeyup method should be defined in the methods property of the Vue instance. Here is an example of a handleKeyup method that logs out the key that was pressed:

methods: {
  handleKeyup(e) {

When a key is pressed, the handleKeyup method will be called with an event object as an argument. The event object contains information about the key that was pressed, which can be accessed with the e.key property.

The keyup event can also be used with modifiers, which allow you to specify which key needs to be pressed for the event to be triggered. For example, if you only want to trigger the handleKeyup method when the enter key is pressed, you can use the enter modifier:

<input type="text" v-on:keyup.enter="handleKeyup">

For more information about the keyup event and other events in Vue.js, you can check out the Vue.js documentation.

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