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vue.jsHow do I use XMLHttpRequest in Vue.js?

Using XMLHttpRequest in Vue.js is quite simple. First, you need to import the XMLHttpRequest object from the xmlhttprequest library:

import { XMLHttpRequest } from 'xmlhttprequest';

Then, you can create an XMLHttpRequest instance and use it to perform an HTTP request:

const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', 'http://example.com/api/data');

The send method will send the request to the server and the response will be available in the responseText property of the XMLHttpRequest instance.

You can also add event listeners to the XMLHttpRequest instance to handle the response when it arrives:

xhr.addEventListener('load', () => {

In summary, the steps to use XMLHttpRequest in Vue.js are:

  1. Import the XMLHttpRequest object from the xmlhttprequest library.
  2. Create an XMLHttpRequest instance.
  3. Use the open and send methods to make the HTTP request.
  4. Handle the response using the responseText property or an event listener.

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