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vue.jsHow do I use Yup with Vue.js?

Yup can be used with Vue.js to validate user input in forms. To use Yup with Vue.js, you need to install the vuelidate library.

npm install vuelidate

Once installed, you can use Yup with Vue.js in the following way:

import { validationMixin } from 'vuelidate'
import { string } from 'yup'

export default {
  mixins: [validationMixin],
  validations: {
    username: {
      required: string().required('Username is required'),
      minLength: string().min(4, 'Username must be at least 4 characters long')

The validationMixin provides a $v object which can be used to access the validation state of the form. The string() function from Yup is used to create a validation schema for the username input. The required and minLength functions are used to set the validation rules for the username input.

Code explanation

  • validationMixin: provides a $v object which can be used to access the validation state of the form
  • string(): creates a validation schema for the username input
  • required: sets the validation rule that the username input is required
  • minLength: sets the validation rule that the username input must be at least 4 characters long

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