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vue.jsWhat is the best book to learn about Vue.js?

The best book to learn about Vue.js is Vue.js 2.x by Example by Paul Halliday. This book provides a comprehensive guide to the core features of Vue.js, including its use of components, reactive data binding, and the vue-cli. It also covers advanced topics such as using Vuex for state management and using the vue-router for routing.

The book includes plenty of examples and code snippets to help readers understand the concepts. For example, here is a code snippet showing how to create a Vue instance:

// Create a Vue instance
let vm = new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  data: {
    message: "Hello World!"

The book also includes a section on testing Vue applications, which is a critical part of building production-ready applications. It also provides a list of helpful resources for further learning.

Overall, Vue.js 2.x by Example is an excellent resource for learning Vue.js. It provides a comprehensive overview of the core features of Vue.js, as well as plenty of examples and code snippets to help readers understand the concepts.

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