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angularjsHow can I use an AngularJS pipe to format a date?

An AngularJS pipe can be used to format a date by using the date pipe. This pipe takes in a date as an argument and formats it according to the parameters you provide.

For example, the following code:

<p>{{date | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}</p>

would output the current date in the format MM/dd/yyyy:


The date pipe has several parameters that can be used to customize the output format:

  • MM: The month as a number with leading zero (01-12).
  • dd: The day as a number with leading zero (01-31).
  • yyyy: The four-digit year.
  • EEE: The abbreviated day of the week (Mon-Sun).
  • hh: The hour as a number with leading zero (00-23).
  • mm: The minute as a number with leading zero (00-59).
  • ss: The second as a number with leading zero (00-59).

For more information about the date pipe, please refer to the Angular documentation.

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