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angularjsHow do I add an event listener in AngularJS?

To add an event listener in AngularJS, you can use the $on function. This function takes two parameters, the event name and a callback function. The callback function will be executed when the event is triggered.

// example
$scope.$on('eventName', function(event, args) {
    // do something

The callback function will receive an event object and an argument object. The argument object contains the data associated with the event.

Code explanation

  • $scope.$on: This is the function used to add an event listener in AngularJS.
  • 'eventName': This is the name of the event that will be triggered.
  • function(event, args): This is the callback function that will be executed when the event is triggered. It receives an event object and an argument object.
  • event: This is the event object that is passed to the callback function.
  • args: This is the argument object that is passed to the callback function. It contains the data associated with the event.

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