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angularjsHow do I use AngularJS component bindings?

Using component bindings in AngularJS allows you to create components that are self-contained and reusable. To use component bindings, you will need to define a component in the module's .component() method.


angular.module('myApp', [])
    .component('myComponent', {
        bindings: {
            data: '<'
        template: '<div>{{$ctrl.data}}</div>',
        controller: function() {
            var ctrl = this;

The bindings property of the component is used to define the data that will be passed to the component. In this example, data is passed as an input binding, indicated by the < symbol. The component can then access the data using the $ctrl controller variable.

The template property is used to define the HTML template for the component. In this example, the value of the data binding is displayed inside a <div> element.

The controller property is used to define the controller for the component. In this example, the controller is assigned to the ctrl variable.

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