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angularjsHow do I use AngularJS to get a cookie?

To use AngularJS to get a cookie, use the $cookies service. This service provides a key-value based API for reading and writing cookies.

Example code

// Get a cookie
var cookie = $cookies.get('cookieName');

Output example


The code above uses the $cookies.get() method to get a cookie with the name cookieName and stores the value in the cookie variable. The value of the cookie is then logged to the console.

The $cookies service also provides the following methods:

  • $cookies.put(key, value): sets a cookie with the given key and value
  • $cookies.remove(key): removes a cookie with the given key
  • $cookies.getObject(key): gets an object from a cookie with the given key
  • $cookies.putObject(key, value): sets an object in a cookie with the given key and value

For more information, see the AngularJS $cookies service documentation.

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