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How can I use an elseif statement in an AngularJS application? // plain

An elseif statement is a type of control flow statement that is used to execute a block of code if a certain condition is met. In an AngularJS application, the elseif statement can be used to control the flow of the application based on certain conditions.

For example, the following code block will check if a variable x is equal to 5. If it is, then it will execute the code in the if block. Otherwise, it will check if x is equal to 10, and, if it is, it will execute the code in the elseif block. If neither condition is met, it will execute the code in the else block.

if (x === 5) {
    // Execute code in this block if x is equal to 5
} elseif (x === 10) {
    // Execute code in this block if x is equal to 10
} else {
    // Execute code in this block if x is not equal to 5 or 10

The parts of the code block are as follows:

  • if: This is the keyword used to start the if statement.
  • (x === 5): This is the condition that will be evaluated.
  • {: This is the opening curly brace that indicates the start of the code block.
  • // Execute code in this block if x is equal to 5: This is the code that will be executed if the condition evaluates to true.
  • }: This is the closing curly brace that indicates the end of the code block.
  • elseif: This is the keyword used to start the elseif statement.
  • (x === 10): This is the condition that will be evaluated.
  • {: This is the opening curly brace that indicates the start of the code block.
  • // Execute code in this block if x is equal to 10: This is the code that will be executed if the condition evaluates to true.
  • }: This is the closing curly brace that indicates the end of the code block.
  • else: This is the keyword used to start the else statement.
  • {: This is the opening curly brace that indicates the start of the code block.
  • // Execute code in this block if x is not equal to 5 or 10: This is the code that will be executed if none of the conditions evaluate to true.
  • }: This is the closing curly brace that indicates the end of the code block.

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