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elasticsearchHow do I configure xpack.security.authc.realms in Elasticsearch?

X-Pack Security provides authentication and authorization for Elasticsearch and Kibana. To configure X-Pack Security for Elasticsearch, you will need to specify the authentication realms in the xpack.security.authc.realms setting.

For example, the following configuration adds two realms: a native realm that uses the native user database and a file realm that uses a file-based user database:

    type: native
    type: file
    order: 0
    files.file1.type: users
    files.file1.enabled: true
    files.file1.path: esusers.yml

The type specifies the type of realm, and order specifies the order in which the realms are checked. The files.file1.type specifies the type of user database, files.file1.enabled specifies whether the realm is enabled and files.file1.path specifies the path to the file-based user database.

The output of the above configuration would be:

    type: native
    type: file
    order: 0
    files.file1.type: users
    files.file1.enabled: true
    files.file1.path: esusers.yml

For more information about configuring X-Pack Security for Elasticsearch, see the official documentation.

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