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elasticsearchHow do I determine which version of Elasticsearch I am using?

To determine which version of Elasticsearch you are using, you can use the Elasticsearch API. To do this, you can use the following GET request:

GET _cat/nodes?v

The output of this request will look like this:

ip         heap.percent ram.percent cpu load_1m load_5m load_15m node.role master name           24          65   1    0.14    0.18     0.20 mdi       -      node1           24          65   1    0.14    0.18     0.20 mdi       *      node2

The name column in the output shows the version of Elasticsearch you are running. In this example, it is node1 and node2.

You can also use the version API endpoint to check the version of Elasticsearch you are running. This endpoint will return the full version number, such as 7.8.1. To do this, you can use the following GET request:

GET _cat/version

The output of this request will look like this:


The output is the full version number of Elasticsearch you are running.

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