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expressjsHow do I set the time zone in Express.js?

To set the time zone in Express.js, you can use the moment-timezone library. Here is an example of how to set the time zone:

// Require the moment-timezone library
const moment = require('moment-timezone');

// Set the timezone to America/New_York

// Get the current time in the set timezone
let currTime = moment().format('h:mm a');

// Output: 8:20 pm

In the example code above:

  1. The require('moment-timezone') statement imports the moment-timezone library into the application.
  2. The moment.tz.setDefault('America/New_York') statement sets the default timezone to America/New_York.
  3. The moment().format('h:mm a') statement gets the current time in the set timezone and formats it to h:mm a format.
  4. The console.log(currTime) statement outputs the formatted time.

For more information on setting the time zone in Express.js, refer to the moment-timezone documentation.

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