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google-big-queryHow do I create a primary key in Google Big Query?

Creating a primary key in Google Big Query requires the use of the CREATE TABLE statement. The statement is used to define the columns of the table and the primary key. The primary key must be an existing column of the table and must be declared as such.


CREATE TABLE my_table (
  id INT64 NOT NULL,
  name STRING,

This statement will create a table called my_table with two columns, id and name. The id column will be the primary key and will be of type INT64, meaning it must be a 64-bit integer.

Parts of the code:

  • CREATE TABLE my_table: This statement creates a table with the name my_table.
  • id INT64 NOT NULL: This statement defines the id column as an INT64 type and sets the NOT NULL constraint, meaning that its value must not be empty.
  • name STRING: This statement defines the name column as a STRING type.
  • PRIMARY KEY (id): This statement declares the id column as the primary key for the table.

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