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javascript-d3How do I create a graph using D3.js?

Creating a graph using D3.js is a relatively simple process. To begin, you will need to include the D3 library in your HTML document.

<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js"></script>

Next, you will need to define your data. This can be done in the form of an array.

var data = [1,2,3,4,5];

Once you have your data, you will need to create an SVG element in your HTML document.


Using the D3 library, you can then bind your data to the SVG element and create a graph.

var svg = d3.select("svg");

var line = d3.line()
    .x(function(d,i) { return i*50; })
    .y(function(d) { return d*50; });

    .attr("d", line)
    .attr("fill", "none")
    .attr("stroke", "blue")
    .attr("stroke-width", 2);

This code will create a line graph with a blue line and a stroke width of 2.

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