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javascript-d3How do I use d3.js to zoom to a selected area?

Using d3.js, you can create a zoomable area by using the zoom behavior. This behavior allows you to specify the scale and translate of an SVG element.

For example, to zoom to a selected area, you can use the following code:

let zoom = d3.zoom()
  .scaleExtent([1, 8])
  .translateExtent([[0, 0], [width, height]])
  .on("zoom", zoomed);


function zoomed() {
  svg.attr("transform", d3.event.transform);

This code sets the scaleExtent to a range of 1-8, and the translateExtent to the width and height of the SVG element. The zoomed function is then called when the zoom behavior is triggered, and it sets the transform attribute of the SVG element with the d3.event.transform value.

Code explanation

  • zoom: This is the zoom behavior that is applied to the SVG element.
  • scaleExtent: This is used to set the minimum and maximum zoom level.
  • translateExtent: This is used to set the boundaries of the zoomable area.
  • on: This is used to specify the event that triggers the zoom behavior.
  • zoomed: This is the function that is called when the zoom behavior is triggered.
  • svg.call: This is used to apply the zoom behavior to the SVG element.
  • svg.attr: This is used to set the transform attribute of the SVG element.

For more information, please refer to the d3-zoom documentation.

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