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javascript-lodashHow can I use Lodash to identify the differences between two JavaScript arrays?

Lodash is a JavaScript library that provides utility functions for common programming tasks. It can be used to identify the differences between two JavaScript arrays.

For example, the following code block uses the _.difference() function to compare two arrays and return the elements that are not present in both arrays:

let arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let arr2 = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7];

let difference = _.difference(arr1, arr2);

// Output: [1, 2]

The _.difference() function takes two arrays as arguments and returns the elements that are not present in both arrays. In this example, the output is an array containing the elements 1 and 2, which are not present in both arr1 and arr2.

Other Lodash functions that can be used to identify the differences between two arrays include _.xor(), _.differenceBy(), and _.differenceWith().

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