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javascript-polymerHow do I use Polymer JavaScript to develop a web application?

Polymer JavaScript can be used to develop a web application by creating custom elements and using the Polymer library. The custom elements can be used to encapsulate all of the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript needed for a particular feature of the web application. For example, the following code creates a custom element called <my-element>:

<dom-module id="my-element">
      .my-element {
        background-color: blue;
    <div class="my-element">My Element</div>
      is: 'my-element'

The Polymer library can then be used to create instances of the custom element and use them in the web application. For example, the following code creates an instance of the <my-element> custom element and adds it to the web page:

var myElement = document.createElement('my-element');

The web application can then be enhanced by adding more custom elements, using Polymer's data binding and templating features, and using Polymer's API for creating custom behaviors.

Code explanation

  • <dom-module> - This is the custom element definition, which contains the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the element.
  • <template> - This is the HTML template for the custom element.
  • <style> - This is the CSS style for the custom element.
  • Polymer() - This is the JavaScript constructor for the custom element.
  • document.createElement() - This is used to create an instance of the custom element.
  • document.body.appendChild() - This is used to add the custom element to the web page.

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