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jqueryHow can I format a number using jQuery?

jQuery provides a function called .number() that can be used to format numbers. The syntax for this function is .number( number [, decimals ] [, decPoint ] [, thousandsSep ] ) where number is the number to be formatted, decimals is the number of decimal places, decPoint is the character to use as the decimal point, and thousandsSep is the character to use as the thousands separator.

For example, the following code:

var number = 1234.567;
$('#result').text($.number(number, 2, '.', ','));

will output 1,234.57 in the element with id result.

Code explanation

  • number - the number to be formatted
  • decimals - the number of decimal places
  • decPoint - the character to use as the decimal point
  • thousandsSep - the character to use as the thousands separator

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