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jqueryHow do I use jQuery to zip files?

jQuery is a JavaScript library that is used to create interactive web applications. It can be used to create a zip file from a folder or multiple files. To do this, you will need to include the jszip library.

Include the library in your HTML file:

<script src="jszip.js"></script>

Then in your JavaScript file, you can use the following code to create a zip file from a folder:

// create a new JSZip object
var zip = new JSZip();

// add a folder to the zip file

// add files to the zip file
zip.file("myFile.txt", "This is a text file");

// generate the zip file and save it
  .then(function(content) {
    saveAs(content, "myZipFile.zip");

This will generate a zip file called myZipFile.zip that contains a folder called myFolder and a file called myFile.txt.

You can also add multiple files to the zip file by looping through an array of file objects:

// create a new JSZip object
var zip = new JSZip();

// array of files
var files = [
  {name: "myFile1.txt", content: "This is the first text file"},
  {name: "myFile2.txt", content: "This is the second text file"}

// loop through files array and add each file to the zip file
files.forEach(function(file) {
  zip.file(file.name, file.content);

// generate the zip file and save it
  .then(function(content) {
    saveAs(content, "myZipFile.zip");

This will generate a zip file called myZipFile.zip that contains two files called myFile1.txt and myFile2.txt.

You can find more examples and documentation on the jszip library.

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